Of the kindness of the establish proprietor we could duplicate the image

Of the kindness of the establish proprietor we could duplicate the image

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Near the get across ‘s the Memorial toward 599 guys away from the newest parish exactly who served regarding the Great Combat 1914-18, plus 78 just who offered their lives because of their nation.

In the middle of the north side of the Market Place is The Roebuck, in its day known as the New Hall (1725 New Hall Anthony Cooper). This house, as an inn, has been known to farmers and others for at least two hundred years: it contains a fine oil painting of Squire Frith, of Bank Hall, and his famous pack. The Hunting Song (see p.176), as dear to Chapel as is “John Peel” at Skalbeck, has been sung beneath this picture with Bacchanalian-if not with almost religious-fervour hundreds of times, and long may it continue to be heard. On the west side of the Roebuck and between that house and the Swan, the premises now belonging to the Electricity Company, appears to have been the old Market House. Robert Middleton, in the Parish Book, tells us that “the new Hall builded by Mr. Thomas Yuely (yeveley) on the upper side of the Market Place Ann Dom 1600 was puld down by Jno Shallcross of Shallcross Esq and by him rebuilded together with the bers over att his own charge Ann Dom 1700.” The Swall (1739, George Kirk, Swan tenement) described in an old directory as the “Swan with two necks” and in another as the Black Swall, has only recently been closed as an inn. On the front is a stone inscribed T o 1775 B, probably the initials of Thomas Orgill and his wife.

Web page 52

Late on the sixteenth century part of the Programs got come gotten from the Thomas Yeaveley, a person in children next of a few pros on the section and you can landowners inside Church and you may Glossop.